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DAUMET needs support to reach the industrial scale.

Whether it is by giving us visibility or financial means, supporting DAUMET means taking concrete action to massively preserve the living. Thanks for all !


If you need any additional information, don’t hesitate to contact us :

Phone Number : +33160498783 or +33662075048


DAUMET media


Communicate about DAUMET and our fundraising. You will find here a media press kit and you can email us if you need more details or HD visuals.

DAUMET fundraising


After 6 years of bootstrapping, we work on our first fundraising to finance the first step of the industrialization. We could send you a pitchdeck by requesting to our founder


Some of you don't want to invest by equity but ask us to support DAUMET by donation. You can support us with the fund set up on the following website: Leetchi. No need to create an account, it's direct and virtually anonymous.